Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Snyder Family

Cathy, Mike and Anthony from Pittsburgh came down for a couple days to visit us on Carpe Vita. We took a quick trip down the Intracoastal to Palm Beach and we sailed back. Anthony had us laughing the whole time with his pirate imitations. ARRRR! We spent the rest of the evening looking at the full moon.

Cathy and Mike love to scuba and snorkel. One day we snorkeled around Peanut Island and the next day they took a scuba trip out to one of the reefs offshore. Marty and I watched Anthony while they where out and we had a blast. He did a little fishing and honest, he wanted to "swab the deck"!

Friday night was our night to host the dinner at the sailing club and they where a great help. We made Lobster Rubins and Macaroni and cheese with truffel oil. It was a hit.

Thanks Cathy, Mike and Anthony, hope you can come down again.