I never met Navah and Bryan before the wedding, but Bryan and I where in heavy contact for weeks before the weddding. He is the one who updated my new website. By the time it was all done, Bryan and I where very close, and he did a great job. It was great to finally meet him and his beautiful wife to be in person.
Their wedding was at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach. It was held outside and we where very fortunate to beat some of the bad weather with the outdoor ceremony.
Navah and Bryan where an absolute treat to photograph. I am a big fan of Horst, who photographed for VOGUE Magazine for years and I have always wanted to imitate his work. Something I will never do for any other photographer.
Navah and Bryan had that classic look that would work great for that. We got a couple cool shots, but I must admit that I wish we had alot more time.
Bryan is linked in my Link section.
Thanks Navah and Bryan!