This is the hardest thing I have ever had to right about and I hope I don't have to again.
I am sure many of you that know Marty and I, also know Chloe. In eight years she has almost never been more than ten feet away from Marty. She has spent so much time with us, most of the time in actual physical touching. She was very connected to us, always concerned when thing where hard or good. She always knew how we felt.
She would lay on our baggage when we where packing, making sure she was going to be there. She did what ever we wanted to do and rarely protested.
As many of you know she went every where in Marty's Louise Vitton bag, and was happy to be there because she knew that she would be with Marty. She actually might have enjoyed the game of hiding. She would sit in the bag for hours if she had to.
Many of Marty's clients will remember how she would jump up on their laps while Marty cut their hair. Chloe probably had more air miles than any dog in the world and never payed. Most of the time, the passenger beside Marty never knew there was a dog under the scarf on her lap.
She also has been to some of the best restaurants in the country. She has spent time in grocery stores, doctors offices, lawyer offices with out anyone ever knowing. My favorite times with Chloe was when I meditated on the couch or bed. She would jump up and lay on my lap for most of the time. We enjoyed the quiet together.
Chloe rode in our kayak, she rode on our tandem bicycle and the motorcycle. She just wanted to be with us.
She was famous for the time when we where hit by a large wave just outside the inlet at Ft Lauderdale and she was thrown off the boat in very large seas. Fortunately Marty had just put on her life jacket. We had just dropped the sails to go back into the inlet when she went over. The nightmare came when the engine wouldn't start. As any sailor will tell you, in bad conditions the chances of recovering a man overboard are rather slim.
It was one of the most heart breaking things I have ever felt until yesterday, I didn't think I could retrieve her but there she was on top of another wave paddling and surfing as fast as she could to get to us. I gave alot of thanks when I was able to get her with a boat hook at the last minute. She had so much personality in such a little package.
Yesterday a young man ran through a stop sign in our condo parking lot only a few feet away from us while we where getting groceries out of the car. Chloe was standing there waiting for us and we pray she didn't know what happened.
We love you and miss you Chloe, we hope you felt as much love as you gave to us.